With more than 25 years experience providing protection for extremely sensitive information, we know the necessary methods to ensure your data is secure. In our connected world the need to protect customer data is critical. We are aware of these needs and can help you protect your data at the highest security levels possible.
Networks are a convenient and efficient method to keep staff working together, share common resouces and provide important data backups. They also require regular updates and maintenance. Improperly functioning networks cost your business it's most valuable resource of staff time. We are trained to diagnose and repair network issues to keep your business in top working order.
If your system is not working correctly or does not do what you need it to, we can certainly help. With over 25 years experience in the Information Technology field, we can help you find a solution to your problem.
Installation and maintenance of security cameras and equipment. We can provide recommendations and installation services to add piece of mind for your environment.
We service all models of Information Technology systems at your location, providing a fair, honest and best practice solution recommendation.
We order the parts and manufacture computer systems locally,
using the same components as most of the major manufacturers. Not only does this guarantee complete system inspection before delivery, it also allows us to produce a system based on your exact needs at a lower cost.
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Address: 1600 Dakota Street, Yankton, SD 57078-1945